And yet, there's no tangible evidence to suggest the day is an unlucky one. 25 Crazy Old Wives' Tales People Still Believe, Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute. / CBS/AP. (A) True, 19 If you look at someone cross eyed and the wind blows, you will stay like that? Here are a fewold wives' tales you can count on. If you dont have cigarettes available, use loose leaf tea. While it may not be as simple as "eat a carrot, acquire 20/20 vision," there is some truth to the . Paint the feet. And instead of keeping an acorn on your person and hoping for eternal life, live forever (or close to it) by eating these40 Heart Foods To Eat After 40. Well, it is believed that the Devil himself stands over your left shoulder, and that throwing salt that way will blind him and prevent him from taking over your body after you accidentally invited him in with the spillage. Argentina, however, is where many of those spooky stories began. There, it's a commonly held belief that leaving scissors open is bad luck, as is opening and closing scissors without cutting anything. The oak tree is known for its unusually long lifeand in hauling around the seed of this tree, people hope to achieve that same longevity. I spilled boiling water on my leg. The phrase "old wives' tale" is often used to describe an old cure or piece of wisdom that has been passed down through the generations. According to Baby Center, using rubbing alcohol on a baby's skin is . You may want to get rid of all of your contaminated shoes and use bleach in your shower spray and leave it to dry for 20 minutes before rinsing with very hot water. Since this was an issue for just about everyone, it became a superstition in multiple countries, including Turkey, India, South Korea and Japan. Hopefully, you didn't accompany it with a toast. Rub a urine-soaked baby diaper on your face. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { Why this old wives' tale is strange: If someone has ever complimented your new pants only for you to spill hot coffee on them, it may be the work of the evil eye. Above 140 bpm (beats per minute) means you're having a girl, and lower than 140 bpm means it's a boy. Wake up early and wash your hands in the morning dew. Right. Found on chestnut trees, you'll find these in abundance during the autumn as conkers begin to fall from August . Here's how it works: whendust particles get captured in the atmosphere byhigh pressure, the blue light dissipates, leaving the red light to paint the sky. (Spoiler alert to the gossips: itchy ears didnt make the list). The first is that bubbles are unstable forms. RELATED: 9 Things You Didn't Know About Gray Hair. Old wives' tales originate in the oral tradition of storytelling. Croup usually resolves itself after twenty to thirty minutes, Senay adds, but in some cases, can be very serious. From carrying acorns to throwing salt, there's no limit to the myths people will believe to feel just a little bit safer, healthier, or happier. Depending on when you grew up, where you're from, and the kind of tales spun by your parents and the other kids on the playground, you probably know a few old wives tales. 10. While in the womb, babies get their oxygen via the umbilical cord. Make a strong tea and soak a cloth in it and apply to sunburns. Break the stem of a dandelion in half and apply the milk to your warts. Neto said although unproven, taking wee ones outside in the cold air will often alleviate symptoms of croup, which affects children up to five years old (after that age, it is called laryngitis). If the deer are out early grazing there is big storm coming. The idea is that spider webs are high in Vitamin K, a naturally blood clotting compound. The blue color indicates a severe lack of oxygen. Cut 2 onions in half, put them in panty hose and the sliced sides were tied to each wrist and each ankle. If so, the old wives' tale says you might be expecting a girl. Everyone knows at least one old wives' tale(or 75). Subscribe Download Apr 12, 2021 Unsurprisingly, back in the day, people used plenty of rules of thumb for predicting the weather. Why this old wives' tale is strange: Science can't substantiate this superstition at all, but many people believe it anyway. Burn a paper bag and blow the ashes away after its burned down. Most of us hardly notice them at all, but in Sweden, it's believed that stepping on them can bring either good luck or bad luck, depending on what letter is marked on them. Put a whole clove against your gum to treat a toothache. A popular old wives tale claims that chestnuts are a foolproof spider-repellent. There's no special healing powers in these nuts, but many people believe regardless that carrying one around will keep them healthy. 1. Dandelion wine is supposed to help purify the blood. Today we think of these as "old wives' tales," or if we're being charitable, "weather lore." Some of those old guides, though, were surprisingly reliable. If the ring moves in circles, your baby is a girl, and if the ring swings back and forth like a pendulum, then it's a boy. Rubbing a slice of onion on an insect bite can reduce swelling and discomfort? First published in 1908, it tells the story of the Baines sisters--shy, retiring Constance and defiant, romantic Sophia--over the course of nearly half a century. Has anyone else heard of this old wives tale, that if your baby puts his/her feet on the ground and then their head on the ground and looks from between their legs, it means their "looking for a sibling"? After an empire or two fell on a Tuesday the 13th, people decided the day was a bad omen altogether. Apply a poultice of mullein leaves on a burn. In Russia, it's believed to cause financial struggles, while in Norway, whistling inside is rumored to bring on a downpour. Create a poultice of dried mustard and warm water then spread it on rags and lay the rags against your back for 20 minutes, then front for 20 minutes. These superstitions are both doubted and depended on, but because there is a decent amount of skepticism surrounding old wives' tales as a whole, it's worth a closer look into which are true, right? In Russia, however, the tradition makes more sense. an old wives' tale ( disapproving) an old idea or belief that has proved not to be scientific: When you're expecting a baby, people tell you all sorts of old wives' tales. Liberally apply the gel from an aloe vera plant (my Grandmother used this every summer on me). Peeing on stains on clothes and scrubbing it well before washing it supposedly gets rid of stains. Often taking the form of short, clever sayings meant to pass along wise advice, most old wives' tales contain exaggerated or simply false claims. Sophia's experience of the execution encapsulates what, for me, The Old Wives' Tale is really about . Soak a washcloth in vinegar and let it sit on the affected area for 3 minutes. Myth 2: Load up on vitamin C and zinc to get better, faster. Perhaps 140 ppm exactly means it's an alien, or a puppy, who knows? Some of these I wouldnt even recommend, but included them anyways as part of an interesting glimpse into our ancestors lives. If you look closely at Leonardo da Vinci's painting "The Last Supper," you'll see that there is a pile of spilled salt near the crook of Judas Iscariot's arm, presumed to have been knocked over by the traitor's elbow. We'll sort out the facts from fiction about diabetes on today's Scope. Even if you chose to read a book in a dimly lit room every night for the rest of your life, your eyes would be fine. Scolnik, whose study appears in Wednesday's issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, said another danger is that parents could get a false sense of security using steam or humidity to treat croup at home. Place on the ear for an ear ache or the jaw for a toothache. I was so taken by this string of folk belief and ancient wisdom, passed on to 1000s of others via this very modern conception of social media, that I copied and cataloged all of their wisdom. Some people buy warts by rubbing a penny on them. If you burn yourself cooking, apply an egg white. In a similar fashion, a poultice made from baking soda and water works. (Jamaica), For ghosts, leave change outside of the house and a candle in the window. Put a few potatoes in bed with you while you sleep. Regardless, the cautionary tale has worked, with most Turkish people avoiding gum at night. In Turkey, people wear a blue and white amulet that looks like an eye itself to guard against the effects of the so-called evil eye. My Mom used to say if I told a lie, I would get a black mark on my heart. Breastmilk will supposedly help treat eye infections like pink eye, diaper rash and ear infections. So no, you cannot drown your fetus by taking a bath. For ghosts or bad spirits, leave a braid of garlic hung by the door. So don't forget to rest your peepers every once in awhile, fellow desk jockeys. } ); According to these stories and myths, morning sickness, cravings, heartburn, and even your blood pressure levels may reveal the gender of your baby! Pure lard will supposedly clear up diaper rash as well. Simply put, it's one of the most prolific old wives' tales out there. Download Nov 22, 2021 There are a lot of old wives' tales, or myths and facts, about diabetes out there. It's customary to do this to family members who are travelling to bid them a safe journey. All day long, you'll have good luck." If youre craving salt (potato chips, pretzels, and popcorn) youre having a boy. Apply a poultice made from soap and sugar. Some believe men are the ones behind this old wives' tale, using the superstition to keep more dinner for themselves. According to old wives tales, fetal heart rate can be used to predict the gender. Though some old wives' tales are true, most are harmless and at least one described here is dangerous. It's a common belief in South Korea, inspiring people to off fans before bed or leave the door open. More than 2,000 years ago, Roman philosopherPliny the Elderused this old wives' tale as an explanation for what doctors know now to be tinnitus, a symptom found in many diseases. Pine resin has also been used to treat wounds. You want to seek medical attention immediately if the coughing just won't stop, your child is having trouble breathing, or is showing signs of severe dehydration, including dry mouth, decreased urination, and increased sleepiness. Chopped up onion to draw out the poison. Plant crops that grow above the ground during a waxing moon, and plants that grow below the ground on a waning moon. Create a soap and mustard poultice with bread in it. So, tucking your thumb into your hand is said to shield your parents from the grim reaper. After 15, it was curtains. . While carrots do contain beta carotine, a vitamin that helps maintain normal vision, eating more of them won't help fix poor eyesight, explains Berkeley Health. His books have paved a way for a transition of the books in the Victorian era to the books we find in the modern library today. (A great excuse not to dust!). Let your feet air dry and use only cotton socks. Creating an oil of garlic to put in your ear will help treat ear infections. This is also true at birth, even if the difference in size is less pronounced at this age. Yes, apples are nutritious and have been shown to help with everything from weight loss to nausea, but eating just one a day won't ward off every or even any illness in the book. March 15, 2006 / 11:52 AM 7. Never wash clothes on New Years Day you could wash somebody out of your family. The superstition began in 1907 when President Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner became a seventh son's godmother due to the ominous superstition. If you nail a snail to a fence the wart will supposedly fall off. In Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, Tuesday is spelled "Martes." Why this old wives' tale is strange: Purses or wallets laying on the ground do seem like bad luck for the people who lost them. Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.: 916-734-9040. Create a poultice made from mud dauber nests and water and apply to a bee or spider bite. Just like plucking, shaving has no impact on the thickness of your hair, The Mayo Clinic reassures us. Cravings for salty, sour (like pretzels, french fries, and chips), or even protein-rich foods means it might be a boy. On this episode of Debunking Old Wives' Tales, Dr. Gellner highlights some common misconceptions out there about what makes a baby's hair grow and gives some real, science-based tips for caring for your baby's hair. is part of the Meredith Health Group. Drop four tablets and a bit of vinegar and flush with boiling water. Red in the morning, travelers (or sailors) take warning. Honey was used for wound healing by the Native Americans before the United States was established. Some women would brown regular flour in a pan or in the oven and use, cooled, on diaper rash. In nearly every Society, people have their own "old wives' tales" which had been passed down from generations. Cut the tip of the baggy, squeeze mixture into egg white. Still, Neto acknowledged it may be hard for parents and even some long-practicing doctors and nurses to abandon the notion that humidity is the treatment of choice for croup. Not only is this wrong, but it is dangerous. Place a bar of Irish spring soap under the sheets in your bed and sleep with it. These long-believed "facts" don't exactly hold any truth. Eighty-two percent of the women with severe heartburn during pregnancy gave birth to especially hairy babes. But where did it come from? I am also going to print a copy of this post to keep on hand in case of a long-term power outage. Why do we touch wood for luck, throw spilt salt over the shoulder, or avoid walking under a ladder? Soaking the area in warm soapy water will soften the skin and make the splinter swell. Consume mall amounts of tobacco as a dewormer for parasites. Toast a piece of bread completely black, then soak in boiling water. Cover and let set for 24 hours. It has since been turned into a museum, and people still visit. And unfortunately, it's not really true. It is theorized that this old wives' tale stems from Judaism, where it is believed that mixing fish and meat will cause adverse skin reactions. This free ebook will help get you started! Why this old wives' tale is strange: In Spain, it's not Friday the 13th that's a problem; it's Tuesday. Old wives' tales have been around for centuries, and many people still believe them. (A) False, a cold bottom does not cause piles, 15 Red sky in the morn sailors be warned? Carrot"gracing advertisements and billboards everywhere. Covers marked with a "K" are considered good luck because, in Swedish, the word for love starts with a K. Covers marked with an "A" are thought to bring bad luck because the Swedish word for heartbreak starts with an A. Throw bag away. You can make a spray from tobacco and use it as a pesticide not good for certain types like tomatoes. Chicken soup can help cure a cold? 5. We also spend more time indoors and around other people when the mercury drops, which leads to passing disease around like a hot dish at a potluck. RELATED: Why You Should Eat Carrots Every Single Day. It's a traditional remedy as embedded in our culture as downing chicken soup to soothe a cold or putting baking soda on a bee sting: When kids have the croup, surround them with steam to help them breathe. Evidently, General Electric produced color TVs back in the 1960s that emitted up to 100,000 times more radiation than federal health officials considered to be safeand while the television sets were recalled almost immediately, the superstition remains. Having spiderwebs in your house will supposedly make it warmer. Take a large army ant and apply him to the cut so that he takes hold of each side of the wound with his pincers. Why this old wives' tale is strange: Why would tucking your thumbs into a fist protect you from bad luck in a cemetery? Mayonnaise hair mask to suffocate lice and then comb them and the eggs out. (The reader who submitted this one also commented on how the kids would fight over who got to eat that one oily potato!). Forget the old saying about "starving a fever" to make it go away. Apply raw eggs and milk or sardines to a snake bite. "There is a 50/50 chance of getting the gender right," Killoran says. The stories do not attempt to moralise, but to teach lessons and make difficult concepts like death or coming of age easy for children to understand. Inhale the steam, drink the tea with a little honey if you have a stuffy nose. The second group had mist from a tube aimed toward the face (considered equivalent to steam vapor), while the third had air at 40 per cent humidity (the normal level in homes and buildings) delivered through a mask. An apple a day keeps the Doctor away? Misfortunate diners who sit in this spot are doomed never to get married, at least for the next seven years. Create a medicinal oil made from St. John's Wart, harvested on St. John's day - left in the sun for a few days. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. by Zack Walkter. "Maybe back in the 1900s there was nothing else you could do (for croup). Below are 11 sayings for good luck in your home come from The Old Farmer's Almanac folklore archives . Create a medicinal oil made from St. Johns Wart, harvested on St. Johns day left in the sun for a few days. Not only does coffee not stunt your growth, most people start drinking it after they're finished growing since its bitter taste doesn't usually appeal to kids. Sprinkle black pepper around where you find mice droppings to stop them from coming back. Use a small amount of sugar to cut back the acidity of any tomato dishes. According to Mexican legends, a bird landing on the back of someone's chair then flying away is a sign that the person will soon die. Rhyming words together don't make them true. } (A) False, 17 Kissing toads and frogs gives you warts? So go ahead, swallow your. This is true. If you happen to drop silverware (or in some versions a dish towel), it means company is coming. A baby girl's heart rate is usually faster than a boy's, but only after the onset of labor. Add remainder of ingredients, reseal, keep mashing it up mixing thoroughly. xhr.send(payload); A bath made from poke berries to treat mange on your dogs. We were only allowed so many. Make a combination tea from boneset leaves and horsemint leaves. Spanish moss pressed into a wound will stop the bleeding. We've dug into a few of the most pervasive old wives tales and figured out which are real, which are bogus, and where the heck they came from in the first place. Check out my post on How to Make Dandelion Wine to try it for yourself! When pregnant if you suffer with heartburn it is said your baby will have lots of hair when born? It isreferenced in the Bible, after all. Spoiler alert: Combining your leftover chicken with mayonnaise to make a chicken salad won't make it spoil faster. Old wives' tales have been around for centuries, and many people still believe them. Lambs ear absorb blood and help it clot more quickly. How cheery. Superstitions involve luck, magic or the supernatural. Fetal heart rates for gender prediction if the babys heart rate is over 140 beats per minute (BPM) than its a baby girl, while a BPM of 155 means a baby boy. Most old wives tales were followed by other members adding how their grandparents used to tell them that, or that they do what was recommended and it works every time! Add caraway seeds to chicken feed to keep . Of course, premature babies may weigh less than others, but on average, boys are bigger than girls. Repeat every few hours with a fresh batch of mud. Your parents may have told you cracking your knuckles will lead to arthritis, but they were probably just sick of the noise. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. You slam that last piece of pizza as the credits to Stranger Things roll. But some of those old myths just aren't true! 15 Popular Old Wives Tales That Are Completely Untrue. 9. If you dont have an onion, you can use a potato. Just splash some water behind someone to give them good luck. Why this old wives' tale is strange: In Rwanda, some people believe women should never eat goat meat or they will be cursed with goat-like qualities i.e., they'll grow hair on their faces and become unbearably stubborn. Rub a dried bean on the wart and bury it in the ground. You can make a little packet of baking soda and paper towel. According to a simple definition it means a belief, usually superstitious or erroneous, passed on by word of mouth as a piece of traditional wisdom. Old wives' tale Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster old wives' tale noun Synonyms of old wives' tale : an often traditional belief that is not based on fact : superstition Synonyms delusion error fallacy falsehood falsity hallucination illusion misbelief misconception myth untruth See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus Example Sentences Bringing in eggs after dark will bring bad luck. Leave overnight. A continued application of iodine is supposed to get rid of warts. The only cure for a hangover is waiting it out. Slice an onion and cover with a bit of honey. It's Time to Stop Believing These Old Wives Tales, 'WoF' Fans Say This Is the Biggest Choke on Show, according to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day, According to Experts. You might get a small cramp, but nothing fatal. (A) True, eating a bowl of chicken soup can reduce inflammation in the lungs and in turn improve cold symptoms, 8. 1. So, when they come in contact with the wooden spoon, with a temperature that is below 100C (212F), the steam will condense, causing the surface of the bubble to break. The easiest way to do that was by touching the wood that the church said was from the cross. On Facebook, in a Off-Grid and Homesteading group I belong to, someone had the brilliant idea to collect other members old wives tales. Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. Verdict: Old wives' tale 5. Since then, her hospital no longer employs mist to treat kids who come to the ER with the condition, Neto said Tuesday from Ottawa. Against their better judgment, even cleaning experts have come to believe in this widely circulated "stain removal tip," which asserts that using white wine on a red wine stain will clean it right up. Take a feta look at the resultshere. DOWNLOAD OUR TO QUIZ PRINT 1. 4. The Old Wives' Tale, novel by Arnold Bennett, published in 1908. With the advent of democracy in South Africa in 1994, a story started doing the rounds in primary schools about a monster that awaits girls in the school toilet. This great book is one of his popular works. Why this old wives' tale is strange: Whistling outside is fine, but inside is another story. Cravings Why this old wives' tale is strange: According to some old Turkish tales, chewing gum morphs into the dark flesh of the dead after dark. Spiderwebs have often been used to clot blood as well. A study published in the Fertility and Sterility journal found women often feel higher levels of stress, anxiety, and guilt than men when . Take a shot of apple cider vinegar (or any vinegar in a pinch) to stop a sudden asthma attack. Some of these superstitions might surprise you. The ring test. Like Sick Kids' doctors, pediatricians at her hospital give children who need it an oral steroid drug and/or a dose of inhaled epinephrine to reduce inflammation. Where the heck did this come from?! One group was exposed to mist created by a machine so that its water particles were of an optimal size to reach the vocal cords and larynx the areas that become inflamed and narrowed with croup. Pilots used radar to shoot down enemy planes for the first time but spread a rumor that eating more carrots gave them better eyesight to fool the Allied forces. Colorful Wooden Tangram Jigsaw Cognitive Montessori Puzzle. The Mayo Clinic reassures us that it passes through your system more or less intact and comes out the other end. If, however, you feel pain or discomfort while cracking, that may be a sign of an issue. Somehow the world has been duped into believing that pulling out a single grey hair will result in the creation of several morebut luckily, this isn't the case. I personally have used honey with great success on proud flesh on my horses. Apply chapstick to cracks on hands or feet daily to protect and reduce the pain. A slice of raw potato can also draw out poisons. This talemight be the oldest in the books. Put a clove of garlic in eatch sock. I've heard so many stories where moms will find out their pregnant shortly after! Put rolled oats in a sock or cloth bag and add to a warm water bath. Enjoy sharing these popular wives' tales with your senior residents in aged care, have a laugh and see if anyone can guess if these are true or false. Similar protective charms can also be found in Greece, Morocco, Iran, Afghanistan and Egypt. Leave dry for 15 minutes and rinse. Basically, there's little to no evidence backing the common misconception that chocolate causes pimples, but that's not to say that the ingredients making up the chocolatey goods won't give you a breakout or two. The idea behind the old wives' tale is that soap releases magnesium, one of the deficiencies that's believed to cause the leg cramps. 1. One readers grandmother would rub WD40 on anything that hurt. 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