[21][22] Similarly, Black scholars have pointed out how notions of servants as being subjugated and mistreated is largely absent from servant leadership discourse. [29] Overall, employees feeling a sense of support, as well as having a leader who are doing everything in their power to do things that are beneficial for the employees contributes to heightened job performance from the employees. [30] Organizations that don't practice servant leadership may discourage employees expressing their feelings in the work place, but servant leaders encourage this expression to prevent any conflict within the workplace. Thursday, April 1st, 2010 | Comments off | Proposed by Robert K. Greenleaf in 1970, the servant leadership theory defines a form of leadership where the leader’s primary role is to be of service to others first. [15] The authors state: The review has demonstrated that the servant leadership field has made progress in the last 20 years, however, the field of servant leadership still has its critics. Exemplified by Jesus, the term servant-leader was coined by Robert Greenleaf in his 1970 seminal work, The Servant as Leader, in which he fused the two extreme types of ‘the leader-first and the servant-first’. The servant leadership concept has been around for a long time. They are entirely different from other traditional types of leaders who work and aim to achieve the goal of the company. As defined before, a servant leader's goal is to build upon the skills of their employees and make them better people. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. [26][3][1][25], Servant leadership also contributes to employees' goal achievement and success. All the servants work well together, until one day when Leo disappears. In servant leadership literature, the use of Social Learning Theory argues that servant leaders are influencing their followers, as their followers observe and emulate the leader’s positive behaviors. In his 1970 essay “The Servant as a Leader,” he described servant leadership like this: “The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first.” Servant leadership flips the typical leadership script by putting people ahead of power. The servant-leader concept continues to grow in its influence and impact. [31] Lastly, Servant Leaders are able to manage the behaviors of their employees by being forgiving. What Is Servant Leadership Theory? If you want to learn even more about the future of remote work and how to lead your team from wherever you are, check out my new book Leading From Anywhere at the links below. In contrast, Social Exchange Theory is used to argue that a servant leader's followers are exhibiting positive behaviors due to the reciprocal relationship they develop with their leader.[24]. These are by no means exhaustive. Criticism: It Demotivates. No confirmatory analysis was performed, no criterion was posited to establish validity, and convergent/divergent validity was not established.[14]. Greenleaf gave this idea an extensive amount of thought before bringing it to life. [32] Although Servant Leadership was proposed many years ago, it is still considered a "newer" theory among many other theories because of the switch in focus from the traditional leadership theories.[33]. A servant leader embodies ten common characteristics. Unlike every other leadership theory servant leadership stresses the importance of empowering followers by relinquishing control (Northouse, 2016). A servant leader has the ability to recognize and understand feelings and emotions that are experienced by their team. However, it's an approach that people have used for centuries. Servant leadership is actually an ancient practice. Greenleaf believed that organizations — not just individuals — could also be servant leaders. Akuchie examined a single Bible passage related to servant leadership, just like the one mentioned in the opening of the essay. A servant leadership puts the follower first in order to assist them in their career growth. [30] Servant leaders also make a safe emotional work environment for employees by making acceptance a major goal. Greenleaf declares that servant leadership begins with the natural feeling of wanting to serve first. Valid and reliable measurement instruments grounded in theory are essential to move the field of servant leadership forward. In short, servant leadership principles emphasize facilitation and helping employees grow and harness their maximum potential, empowering both individual team members and the company to be successful. Servant Leadership is an interesting theory that focuses on the leaders behaviors (Northouses, 2013). While organizations thrive based on the work produced by the employees, the commitment of the employees to the organization is a major contributor to how well an organization functions. Factor analyses reduced this scale to five unique dimensions: altruistic calling (four items), emotional healing (four items), wisdom (five items), persuasive mapping (five items), and organizational stewardship (five items). The idea of servant leadership was coined more thoroughly and brought to a modern business world by Robert K. Greenleaf. Similar to other leadership experts, Spears believed that Servant Leaders should have these 10 traits: empathy, listening, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, and building community. 1, 2010, 25-30. [4] By doing this, Servant Leaders create a safe space where employees are able to be themselves and express how they are feeling, knowing that they can trust their leader to be non judgmental. As a servant leader, you're a "servant first" – you focus on the needs of others, especially team members, before you consider your own. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Servant leaders get results for their organization through whole-hearted attention to their followers and followers’ needs. When the servants realize that things aren't the same without Leo, they came to the realization that Leo was far more than a servant — he was actually their leader. Servant leadership: A critique of Robert Greenleaf’s concept of leadership. "[1] Due to servant leaders making their employees their main priority and placing their well-being above everything else, including the organization, the employees feel a sense of trust and a need to return the commitment and obligation that their employer has for them to the organization. “True leadership must be for the benefit of the followers, not to enrich the leader.” [1] Servant Leadership being practiced is said to decrease emotional exhaustion, which is the leading cause of employee burnout. As in all theories of exemplary leadership, servant leaders grow the leadership capacity of followers – leaving them better off and better able to lead in the future. [1], Servant leadership entered the arena of research in 1998[10] with the publication of the first peer-reviewed servant leadership scale, and since then, over 270 peer reviewed articles have been published across 122 academic journals. In any case, Servant leadership theory has a place within the spectrum of leadership theory, as it represents the strongest emphasis on followers of any theory. Servant leadership theory development talks about the concept and the model of this leadership style, however servant leadership measurement tried to … [31] Some employees may have personalities and/or characteristics that may lead to them doing or saying things to their leader that is unacceptable. [14], Servant leadership predominately draws on two social theories to explain how it influences follower behavior: Social Learning and Social Exchange Theory. [31] Acceptance in this case is the leader being okay with having different personalities, personal views, and values as their employees, and understanding that their employees aren't "perfect". The act of leadership is in the context of serving others and to serve others. Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy in which the main goal of the leader is to serve. [26] Moreover, employees feeling that their needs are made a priority in the work place, as well as the feeling of being satisfied with their interactions at work on a daily basis, has an impact on their family's experience with them as they shift from the work role to the family role. [14], Greenleaf's definition left much room for speculation because it lacks specifics. This consisted of behavioral (vision, service) and relational (influence, credibility, trust) components. Greenleaf believed leaders have a social responsibility to care for the disenfranchised and to serve first; he proposes shifting power to those who are being led. [28] Thus, studies have shown that Servant Leadership has a positive effect on employee's psychological health in that the less strain on the employee and the more they assimilate at the organization, the better their psychological health. Robert K. Greenleaf first coined the phrase "servant leadership" in his 1970 essay, "The Servant as a Leader." [1] Likewise, Servant Leadership has a direct effect on employer brand perception, which in turn reduces employee job turnover. The servant leadership theory is focused on the idea that at the top of the hierarchy or system are the employees, and that a manager or leader’s top priority is to serve them. Instead of the people working to serve the leader, the leader exists to serve the people. Numerous research studies have focused on such relationships between theories. "[19], The authors proposed three key elements that captures the essence of servant leadership and set it apart from other leadership styles - namely the motive (the underlying personal motivation for taking up a leadership responsibility, requiring a strong sense of self, character, and psychological maturity), the mode (that they lead by prioritizing subordinates' needs above the organization's bottom line), and the mindset (that servant leaders are stewards who reorient their followers' focus towards others). It is merely an adjunct to these theories, and is mostly useful for deciding on whether or not somebody should become a leader in the first place. [2] Because of this, employees begin to act as Servant Leaders themselves, and portray great commitment to the organizations where they see these behaviors and how they affect others around them. The Journal of Virtues & Leadership, Vol. According to a 2002 study done by Sen Sendjaya and James C Sarros, servant leadership is being practiced in some of the top-ranking companies, and these companies are highly ranked because of their leadership style and following. Our final theory to explore is servant leadership, which originated in the writings of Robert Greenleaf. A Servant Leader shares power, puts the needs of the employees first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. [1] When put into practice, Servant Leadership has a positive effect on a sales person's turnover intentions because turnover is mainly associated with "the quality of the salesperson–supervisor relationship. Servant leadership requires leaders to place the needs of others over their own self-interests. SHARE: The magnum opus of Robert Greenleaf, Servant Leadership is a recent theory of leadership that argues that the most effective leaders are servants of their people. [26] Studies have also shown that leadership as a whole has an effect on employee's psychological health. 5. James Sipe and Don Frick, in their book The Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership, state that servant-leaders are individuals of character, those who put people first, are skilled communicators, are compassionate collaborators, use foresight, are systems thinkers, and exercise moral authority. From the "I serve" mentality come two premises: The first premise signifies the act of altruism. The assumption is that if leaders focus on the needs and desires of followers, followers will reciprocate through increased teamwork, deeper engagement, and better performance. What Is Servant Leadership? [25] This decreased emotional exhaustion also leads to stronger marital relationships. The leader should be a servant first, leading from a desire to better serve others and not to attain more power. [14], In their review of the servant leadership literature, Eva, Robin, Sendjaya, van Dierendonk and Liden argued that for research, servant leadership should be defined as "an (1) other-oriented approach to leadership (2) manifested through one-on-one prioritizing of follower individual needs and interests, (3) and outward reorienting of their concern for self towards concern for others within the organization and the larger community. One major extension was Larry Spear's 10 characteristics of the Servant Leader. Servant leadership is handled throughout the literature by many different dimensions. Servant-leadership is also an expanding river, and one which carries with it a deep current of meaning and passion. The servant leaders are the philosophical type of leaders, whose main goal as a leader is to serve the mass. [2] Leo was seen as a servant, but when the other servants realized that things fell apart without him, he became far more than just a servant to them. Servant leadership predominately draws on two social theories to explain how it influences follower behavior: Social Learning and Social Exchange Theory. Servant leadership is a method of development for leaders. [14] Researcher Patterson also developed a more spiritual conceptualization of servant leadership around leader values including: agapé love, humility, altruism, creating 21 visions for followers, being trusting, serving, and empowering their followers. Only through the act of serving does the leader lead other people to be what they are capable of. The following 12 characteristics of Servant-Leadership have been identified by Larry Spears, CEO of the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership. leadership authors and advocates of servant leadership. This work was exploratory in nature. [10], Various critiques of servant leadership have been made. "[3] When leaders shift their mindset and serve first, they benefit as well as their employees in that their employees acquire personal growth, while the organization grows as well due to the employees growing commitment and engagement. Bradley, Y. "[7], In Journey to the East, the main character, named Leo, is a servant just like all the others. Servant leaders get results for their organization through whole-hearted attention to their followers and followers’ needs. interesting to consider servant leadership in comparison with other, more established, leadership models. Do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? In addition to some early definitions and distinct characteristics of Servant Leaders, researchers and leadership experts have used research to add on to these. In servant leadership literature, the use of Social Learning Theory argues that servant leaders are influencing their followers, as their followers observe and emulate the leader’s positive behaviors. 1. This is different from traditional leadership where the leader's main focus is the thriving of their company or organizations. [1] Servant leadership inverts the norm, which puts the customer service associates as a main priority. These ten characteristics are listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of others, and building community. [26] Likewise, Servant Leaders managing the work environment and things such as "rewards, deadlines, work allocation and performance evaluations"[26] have a positive effect on the well being and satisfaction of employees because the practices of a Servant Leader deals with these aspects in a way that benefits the employees in every way possible. In that same essay, Greenleaf quotes Hillary Clinton's 1969 commencement address. According to previous research, servant leadership seems to have an effect on the emotional health of the employees because the servant leaders' reliance on "one-on-one communication to understand the abilities, needs, desires, goals, and potential of those individuals"[30] aids in the employees' ability to express themselves in the work place. Servant leadership practices appear to have an effect on the life of the employee, outside of the organizations that they are affiliated with. (2012). Spears (as cited by Northouse, 2016) identified ten characteristics of a servant leader. Journal of Pan African Studies, 5(2), 67–83. [2] The employees also stay at the organization so that they can see and learn more from their employer. While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the top of the pyramid, servant leadership is different. The second premise of servant leadership is "I am the leader because I serve". Leadership experts such as Bolman, Deal, Covey, Fullan, Sergiovanni, and Heifitz also reference these characteristics as essential components of effective leadership. Sendjaya, Eva, Butar-Butar, Robin and Castles' (2019) [18] 6-item composite of the Servant Leadership Behavior Scale (SLBS-6) which uniquely contributes a spiritual dimension, a distinguishing feature that makes servant leadership a truly holistic leadership approach relative to other positive leadership approaches. Here are 10 characteristics and traits that distinguishes a servant leader from the more traditional ones. Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy in which an individual interacts with others—either in a management or fellow employee capacity—with the aim of … [1] Further research also confirms that servant leaders lead others to go beyond the call of duty. Akuchie suggested that the application of this lesson is for daily life. There are a million of these… Workspirited gives you an explanation of the servant leadership theory with some examples. Instead… 1 Iss. They argued that this leadership principle was so important to Christianity that it was captured by all four Gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). Thoughts on servant leadership and further definitions. These researchers developed operational definitions and scales to measure 11 potential characteristics of servant leadership. According to Ginny Boyum, Greenleaf proposed that servant leaders should serve first, make the needs of others their main priority, and find success and "power" in the growth of others; summarily, "A servant can only become a leader if a leader remains a servant". However, as demonstrated by Eva, Robin, Sendjaya, van Dierendonck, and Liden's review, research has established servant leadership as a valid construct that is worthwhile researching and implementing. The magnum opus of Robert Greenleaf, Servant Leadership is a recent theory of leadership that argues that the most effective leaders are servants of their people. Despite several conceptual papers on the topic of servant leadership, there is no consensus on empirical research for the servant-leadership construct until a state-of-the-art review published in 2020 by Nathan Eva, Mulyadi Robin, Sen Sendjaya, Dirk van Dierendonck, and Robert C Liden [10] in the Leadership Quarterly. Researcher Polleys distinguished servant leadership from three predominant leadership paradigms: The Trait, Behavioral, and Contingency approaches to leadership. © 2020 - David Burkus | Site by Out:think | Drop me a line: david@davidburkus.com, [otmg_register redirect="https://davidburkus.com/2010/04/servant-leadership-theory/" button_text="Sign Me Up!"]. For servant leadership research and meta-analyses, we recommend that scholars more heavily psychometrically scrutinize servant leadership by including differing leadership theories, organizational culture, HR practices (e.g. In turn, this nurturing from their employer leads to them returning this same nurturing towards their co-workers and making the work place a suitable environment for the growth of the employees, as well as the production of good quality work to grow the organization. [15] The inclusion of spirituality faithfully reflects Greenleaf's (1977) initial, and Graham's (1991) theorizing, that servant leadership relies of spiritual insights and humility as its source of influence. [23] Black scholars also note that although Greenleaf attributes his ideas to Herman Hesse, Martin Luther King Jr. preached similar approaches and was a contemporary of Greenleaf in the United States, but King is never mentioned in any of Greenleaf's original works. [8][9], Greenleaf came to the realization that a newfound leader should be someone that servants or workers can relate to. The "I serve" mentality is evident in politicians who define their role through public service. However, they serve to communicate the power and promise this concept offers. 5, 6, 7, "Challenging and Critiquing Notions of Servant Leadership: Lessons from My Mother", "The Positive Relationship between Servant Leadership and Employees' Psychological Health: A Multi-Method Approach", International Journal of Servant-Leadership, Cairnway Center for Servant Leadership Excellence, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Servant_leadership&oldid=994308748, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 15 December 2020, at 01:47. Servant leadership stresses the importance of the role a leader plays as the steward of the resources of the group, and teaches leaders to serve others while still achieving the goals set forth by the business. Eventually, the served are driven to possess the traits of a servant leader as well, continuing the spread of the leadership style.[3]. According to Northouse (2016), servant leadership is unique in its altruistic nature. A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. Similarly, researcher Akuchie explored the religious and spiritual articulations of the servant leadership construct. [2] According to Kashyap and Rangnekar, Servant Leadership molds organizations and builds a positive image for the organization. However, this conceptualization made by these researchers did not differ from leadership theories such as transformational leadership. A servant leader actively contributes in the personal development and performance of their team. Polleys's views aligned with transforming leadership but, once again, made no distinctions among Charismatic, Transformational, and Servant Leadership. Research shows that management style is a main factor in sales person turnover. "Leading others to go beyond the call of duty: A dyadic study of servant leadership and psychological ethical climate", "The roots of "servant leadership" management culture date back to Hermann Hesse and a young Hillary Clinton", "Servant Leadership: A systematic review and call for future research", "Defining and Measuring Servant Leadership Behaviour in Organizations", "Do servant-leaders help satisfy follower needs? [4], Before the modern fad for the concept of "leadership" emerged,[5] the autocratic enlightened absolutist King Frederick II ("the Great") of Prussia (r. 1740–1786) famously portrayed himself as "the first servant of the state".[6]. Our view is that it would be premature to hit the restart button on the field. [27][26][29][28], Similar to servant leadership having an effect on employees' stress levels, it also affects them emotionally as well. An organizational justice perspective", "Regulatory focus as a mediator of the influence of initiating structure and servant leadership on employee behavior", "Development of the School Principals' Servant Leadership Behaviors Scale and Evaluation of Servant Leadership Behaviors According to Teachers' Views", "Looking Back to Look Forward: Lessons for Leadership Development", Servant Leadership in the Workplace: A Brief Introduction (Atlanta: Cairnway, 2017), chs. However, Akuchie did not, in any way, clarify servant leadership as distinct from other forms of leadership or articulate a framework for understanding servant leadership. Servant leadership is often associated with Christian leadership and Christian leaders; however, the model is not limited to the Christian realm. [31] They also create a psychological ethical climate. Further, anecdotal evidence shows that many organizations have implemented Servant Leadership as their main way of managing their organization, and for good reasons too. In that essay, Greenleaf emphasized that the servant leader is first and foremost a servant. A servant leader prioritizes the team’s growth and well-being, letting their own needs and ambition take a backseat. In this essay, Greenleaf explains how and why he came up with the idea of servant leadership, as well as defining a servant leader. However, Sendjaya and Sarros research work did not propose a testable framework nor did this work distinguish between this and other leadership styles. Servant leadership is based on the idea that authority is more important than power, and that focus on empowering and uplifting others instead of personal gain is critical to everyone’s success. Therefore, others may perceive leadership dedication to achievement or accomplishment as a threat. The year 2008 was a significant year in servant leadership research with the publication of two seminal papers by Sen Sendjaya, James C Sarros, and Joseph C Santora[11] as well as Liden, Wayne, Zhao, and Henderson,[11] and the first publications using Ehrhart's (2004) measure. Journal of Christian Education, 42(2), 43–54. Servant leaders who picked up the broken glass. That goes against the thinking that there are more people to serve the leader when they reach an … Unlike many approaches to leadership, which offer suggestions on how top-level leaders can influence and motivate those further down the hierarchy, servant leadership puts its emphasis on collaboration, trust, empathy, and ethics. However, the modern movement was born in a 1970 essay by Robert K. Greenleaf. In her groundbreaking book on quantum sciences and leadership, Rewiring the Corporate Brain (1997), Zohar goes so far as to state that, “Servant-leadership is the essence of quantum thinking and quantum leadership” (p. 146). [12][13], The most important characteristic in being a servant leader, according to Greenleaf, is making one's main priority to serve rather than to lead. Empathy. [3] In addition, Servant Leadership being the foundation of organizations is said to lead to employees having positive experiences and satisfaction in the work place, which in turn leads to " a transfer of positive experiences from the work role to the family role". Implications For Nurses. [27] With this trait, studies have shown that servant leaders have the ability to influence their employees to achieve their own goals as well as their work goals due to their leaders empowerment, and this plays a major role in their continued success and growth. Numerous different researchers and leadership experts have created scales and dimensions to differentiate between the levels of Servant Leadership practices as well as evaluate Servant Leadership behaviors. In fact, we have witnessed an unparalleled explosion of interest and practice of servant-leadership … [3] Having their employer cater to their needs, in conjunction with supportive co-workers and staff, aids in lowering stress levels, which produces the desire to go home and cater to their family’s needs. Be premature to hit the restart button on the growth and well-being others. Not sent - check your email addresses to make an effective leader. measurement... Barbuto and Wheeler created a dimension called `` the natural feeling of wanting serve... Growth and well-being of people around you and serving the needs of.. A method of development for leaders empirical evidence for servant leadership inverts the norm, which in... 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