We do. What a great conversation going on. is complex and requires a deep understanding of the language demands of the content. While saying this… I think far more teachers are willing to delve into pedagogical conversations than content ones. My reasoning is that you can only truly teach as far as your content knowledge and a little pedagogy can go a long way. Number wise I say 70% teaching ability and 30% content. It’s like you can teach a tall person to play basketball but you can teach a basketball player to be tall. You would need this to keep students in the flow of the learning, catching/correcting growing misconceptions and for encouraging and extending their learning. On the flip side I wouldn’t feel comfortable teaching AP calc. (I won’t delve into the existing arguments about both aspects being equally hard, which also have merit.) Deep knowledge of your students assists in selection of content; I always aim to choose the most engaging content within the curriculum. I have also been comfortable teaching since I was 15. For this to happen, you would need a depth of understanding in your content knowledge. Agree with Claire’s 60-40 and that the meaningless tricks come from not knowing the math, and with jstevens009 about needing to know where the content leads to be able to weave the story. I think that process need to be an essential part of any teaching credentialing program. Over the years, my mindset about teaching and learning has changed, I like to think that I’ve moved in a direction of understanding why it is important for students to take a more active role in their own mathematical sense making, and that I’ve begun to understand the importance of a positive math disposition (see Mark Chubb’s post about Growth Mindset among others). If I know I lack some content knowledge, but am confident I have the ability to learn that knowledge, am I more effective in the classroom? Personally, I concur with Pat, based on my own experiences in education. It was the highlight of a great weekend at the DuPage Valley Math Conference. Knowing my own limitations, I’d like to start by saying that my reply is only from the perspective when the content = mathematics. When teaching in modern society it is important that teachers understand the content matter of what they will be teaching as well as how to teach it specifically to their particular classroom. And again… we’re all different. To slight content as the easier to learn is to slight the teaching profession, in my opinion. What’s the ideal breakdown? That analogy is flawed, most visitors to a museum choose to be there, but there IS no good analogy because no one is … None of us will ever arrive at some ideal understanding of our content or of pedagogy. The assignment explores the importance of including indigenous perspectives in the classroom and elaborates further on the 'Land Through the Eyes of the Nqunnawal People' program. Suppose a teacher gets to divide 100% between two categories: teaching ability and content knowledge. For example, challenging language demands in math include: symbolic notation; visual displays, such as charts and graphs; technical vocabulary; and grammatical features such as complex noun phrases. I believe that strong teaching ability must be defined as an ability to foster learning. Similarly to Robert, my degree is in mathematics and I was kicking cabinets, ripping up papers, and wondering why the hell I got into the profession during my first two years. I have completed placements in ACT and NSW and have used both of these curriculum documents as well as the Australian National Curriculum to plan units. So yep, mathematically speaking, 88.2 to 11.2, I agree with Robert that 100% content- 0% pedagogy is an ineffective mix. I worked to address this standard through implementing ICT into the classroom on a daily basis. I am digging the terrific discussion. Concept checking is finding out if a learner has understood a new item. I don’t know.) I was not ready for teaching, ergo, having that ability (at the outset) would be more important? That sounds horrible, so let me rephrase: The more I learn, and the more I want to transfer that knowledge to my students, the more I realize that my job as a teacher depends not on what I know, but on my ability to create a developmentally appropriate learning experience for my students to learn (part of) what I already know. It's common to believe that literacy instruction is solely the charge of language arts teachers, but, frankly, this just is not so. Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students. I have three ed degrees now and no math degree but I have picked up enough math content AND teaching skill over the years that I am confident that I am not doing any harm to my students even when I teach AP Calc or AP Stats. If you prefer that formulation—or if you’d like to push back and offer your own related question—go for it. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, substance and structure of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area. Now, tutoring is far different than teaching, and I don’t think it’s a good idea to have teachers teaching outside of their area of expertise, but both of these experiences made me realize that building a relationship, finding the right entry points, meeting a student where they are at – these are the things that make a great teacher. It doesn’t matter, unless the teacher is 100% reflective. Or which can students survive if the teacher is ‘faking it till we make it’? If you know how to teach and how to learn, you can teach almost anything given some time, motivation, and support. We constantly bounce back an forth between content and pedagogy throughout a given day. Still chewing…, Math content knowledge is important… but Math Knowledge for Teaching is what is the most important! This increase in content knowledge is a means to an end to better engage my students and improve teaching ability. So to loop back to the question as I read it, should teachers focus their time developing their pedagogical skill or their content knowledge? The Importance of Teaching How to Learn. As one increases, the other doesn’t decrease. [17.3KB], Tuesday, 18 June 2013 I’ll go 100% pedagogy and 0% content knowledge. Updated on 06 September 2013, 13:43; 24142 page visits from 17 June 2013 to 25 December 2020, Standard 2 - Know the content and how to teach it, 2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area, 2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, 2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Download Report Comment - Content and Strategies.jpg, Tuesday, 18 June 2013 Indigenous students from the school performed a musical piece with their didgeridoos. Chapter 1. At the risk of overthinking here, it seems that both content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge should be growing on a pretty regular basis. Anyone familiar with the work of John Hattie – director of the Mel… There must be a mix, but I am not sure what it is. But at the same time, just because you know your stuff doesn’t mean you can teach it. It seems to me that some are arguing that it is easier to acquire content than pedagogy. If it’s the former, I’m afraid no percentage combination would be a winning one. My roommate was an economics major who struggled with some of the math that he had to deal with, and asked me to help him out. On the other hand, having great classroom control, knowledge of having great classroom discourse, knowing what to say to those who struggle so they still believe in themselves… without understanding how multiplication develops over time or which models to share, or what contexts and numbers might be appropriate… that might actually be just as bad. One who excels at fostering learning, is also an inquisitive learner. Sponsored Online Teaching In Higher Education Short Course Harvard’s Bok Center for Teaching and Learning I’m arguing 25% is enough to establish a rapport with the students who aren’t engaged by the material itself. That analogy is flawed, most visitors to a museum choose to be there, but there IS no good analogy because no one is ready for teaching! Humans are, I’m sorry to say, creatures of habit, and inertia. My real answer is that there is no breakdown, both are vital and must be achieved simultaneously which is why teaching is so hard, but also so rewarding! [1.9MB], Download Mathematics Education 2 - Unit of Work.docx, Monday, 15 July 2013 I would sum up many of their responses with this one: “It won’t matter how good the content is unless we are ENGAGED in the class.” The students also listened and responded to other students answers. Are You Teaching Content, Or Teaching Thought? I know you will have an engaging 10 minute discussion with your students. I truly think this is what we’ve been after in all of the shifts of recent times — not just a realignment of what we teach, but how we teach it. My perspective on the question lead me to actually wonder which “short coming” is easier to work on. 2.6 Information and Communication Technology. I also see the same thing in high school. Young children tend to think that everything is important! It is done right here, but it spans moments in the pasts and reaches out uncertainly towards moments in the future.Put another way, you think in a singular, precise space about plural, imprecise times. It is important for lessons to include clear instructions and orientation of the content, a middle part/activity where students explore the content and a summary or consolidation for what has been explored and learnt. To show why teaching content is important, Kay explained some of its benefits: how it motivates learners by arousing their curiosity; and how it develops subject and language competence simultaneously, along with cultural awareness, and critical and creative skills. I think pedagogy is much harder to teach (sort of like the ease of teaching computation versus teaching critical thinking). Taking one over the other is a difficult pill to swallow. One of the things I love most in life is a sense of synchronicity. In addition, they know they need to increase their pedagogical skills so that they better understand how to move the student from a misconception to a corrected conception in a way that makes sense to that student. Understanding that reason is the basis of media literacy. This is an interesting question. In my first scenario, students that are already good at math might do well because they might be able to pick up on what the teacher is talking about. Case-in-point: aren’t there many (but nowhere near all) teachers in elementary school who are a bit math-phobic themselves? So much fun and depth in this discussion. by Terry Heick. Knowing When to Teach Current Events 5 questions faculty members should ask themselves before they weave a recent controversy into their courses By Noliwe M. Rooks WALT was integrated in all classrooms across the school. But we need to continue to hone our mathematics content knowledge throughout our teaching careers. I see three key flaws in the arguments people are making. Every teacher I’ve ever met with this type of mindset recognizes the need to understand the content even more conceptually, so you can understand the different misconceptions students have. It is through the study of English that individuals learn to analyse, understand, communicate with and build relationships with others and with the world around them. I felt the need to rush and go chapter 1 through 10 in order at the start. Of course, we teachers are NOT all the same… and thank goodness! Pure math undergrad with no classroom experience. (But is it a majority of classes? Plan in time to develop your subject knowledge in the same way you would set aside time for marking or developing resources. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) plays an important role in classroom instructions. Importance of Content Knowledge. I have a degree in mathematics and began my career teaching math to students with disabilities. My goal for a student is that she will speak with authority on a topic to which she was just introduced. Examples of pre-assessment activities include KWL charts, mind maps, brain storming, and tests. As a math major in college, I hit a conceptual wall that made me question my education (and in particular math education) up to that point in my life. I dunno, that’s not my job – I’m in marketing! (Interestingly, in the lower grades the relationship between both content and teacher skill and student learning is lower). i’ve also seen really smart people be terrible teachers. Anecdotal evidence. [232.9KB], Download Language Education 2 - Unit of Work.docx, Monday, 15 July 2013 Go check it out. So here’s where I need help — if you really feel pedagogy can be separated from content, that you can have pedagogically understanding absent from content understanding, can you describe to me what pedagogical knowledge is without using content or referencing content? NOTE: When I did do a 1 year alt teaching certification program my mentor from the university told me I was a natural teacher because I knew the right questions to ask to help make sure students really understood the concept, and not just what is the answer type questions, so I guess I had some teacher instructional skill as well, even then. Maybe 65-35 pedagogy? in math) and no pedagogy. Mathematical question for those who lean heavily towards pedagogy: if you increase the level of math content knowledge, aren’t you skewing the ratio? Of course I now do the 5 practices as often as possible. How boring would THAT be!?!? It is also the only way to ensure that your educational objectives are achieved. 29. I wonder about his often. Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students. The first is knowledge of your subject content and processes; the second is general pedagogical knowledge, which is to say an understanding of teaching. 2. Maybe it depends on exactly how those two things are measured, and I don’t have a good way to quantify either of those. i’d go with pareto’s law. In addition, the quality of the tasks is critical, because students acquire better knowledge and perform better if you use high-quality tasks. 80-20. instruction > content. I know it’s not part of the given dichotomy, but teacher beliefs about what teaching math are foundational here, see the Math Ed podcast 1505 Patricia Campbell linked below: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/mathed/episodes/2015-03-07T05_39_44-08_00. in mathematics from UCLA and I didn’t realize how little I actually knew about mathematics until after I graduated. And I’ve learned a lot of basic math in the last 18 years, but mostly enough again to realize how little I know. because I think it’ll lead to more interesting discussion. I have seen many cases of teachers telling students not to do certain questions (because they didn’t know how to do them) or they alter the questions so they are back in their wheelhouse of ‘tricks’. Like if someone read Tracy’s book and “got it”, I’d be happy to let them have a go. ... some language teaching labs have also … It is essential that children learn values such as tolerance and respect for … No need to watch the whole thing, but the set-up might get you thinking. Thanks for weighing in, Suzanne! If you don’t know math, you can’t teach it. Here’s my case against content knowledge: I have a B.S. Join 5K+ other people in receiving Michael's updates on math education, delivered right to your inbox. I know I can learn more math. Really the two go hand in hand, the more students can make sense of mathematical contexts on their own or with the support of their fellow students in discussions, the more postive their mathematical disposition. The importance of teaching values to young learners; The importance of teaching values to young learners By Joanna Wiseman. [17KB], Tuesday, 18 June 2013 For those answering near 100% pedagogy (0% content knowledge?! When broken down, content knowledge means knowing the necessary information in a particular subject, pedagogical knowledge means knowing how to teach this… And then this afternoon, as I was working on a Desmos activity, I had a thought I usually have – ‘I should run this by my colleague and see what insights she can offer. First and foremost — I don’t think there is something as pure as the pedagogy being described in many of the responses above. May 14, 2011. A teacher’s subject knowledge is incredibly important. I find it as a very useful tool to deliver maths content to students and to practice rote learning in an engaging way. I would encourage you ask your students the same question when you get back to school. Without the ability to make relational connections with students and communicate effectively (teaching ability), content knowledge is nearly irrelevant. There are an endless number of engaging, effective strategies to get students to think about, write about, read about, and talk about the content you teach. Yet, deepening our math knowledge for teaching requires us to go really deep into our content. At the middle school level people need to be “highly qualified” in math to teach it, which has many ways of being accomplished, but not necessarily checking that the person has the content area knowledge necessary to present the material in the correct manner, or to see the development of the material to the higher levels of mathematics. I think I would also be mostly useless in a kindergarten class. She also found a similar relationship with pedagogical knowledge. My PE unit reflects this as students build upon each previous skill. Basis of media literacy. strategies for students would heavily weight toward teaching ability and 30 % knowledge. 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