sayings are transmitted, but it comes down to this: The movie Stigmata raises the question of whether the church, the Roman Catholic Church specifically, The Gospel of Thomas – 77 Disclaimer: This is a personal, non-academic commentary on the Gospel According to Thomas. Current ye@r * − = two. The second sentence, which is the part common to the Coptic and the Greek texts, can be interpreted most simply as promising the invisible presence of Christ to the believer in his daily work, involved with stone and wood, the common materials of human labor. This passage speaks to any corruption in the church. 400-401). The Kingdom of God is not contained within the walls of wood and stone, but all around us. the Gnostic Gospel of Truth (Codex XIII of Chenoboskion, p. 17): 'The All has been in search of Him from whom he came forth; and the All was within him, unseizing, unthinkable!' Lift up the stone, and you will find me there” (Gospel of Thomas, 77). Thom. The meaning is approximately the same: Jesus is everywhere." The stone does not lead to answers, neither does the log. He rejects this interpretation and prefers that first suggested by H. Lisco and adopted by A. von Harnack, H. B. Swete, and Evelyn White. does not live in temples of wood and stone." The Text of the Gospel of Thomas from the Scholars Version translation published in The Complete Gospels PROLOGUE These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas recorded. The combination of these two types of work was probably suggested by Eccl 10:9, 'He who quarries stones may be hurt by them, while he who splits logs is endangered by them.' translation of Jesus' oral Aramaic sayings). His proposed reconstructions of various lacunae are heavily indebted to the critical texts of Grenfell and Hunt, Evelyn-White, Fitzmeyer, and Attridge. 77b: 'Split a piece...' etc, is appended to Gos. (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. from reviews available on the internet I found a whole host of variations, ", 81 [77]. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained. These are the secret words, which the living Jesus spoke, and Didymus Judas Thomas wrote down. This should put a smile on every face that truly understands this meaning.- Jacqueline Marquez, "Make me wise so that I may understand the Reality is.- Wynford, When you switch on a light, you get rid of the darkness. At this point Thomas's doctrine is pantheist, not Christian. The Gospel of Thomas by Mark M. Mattison. Coptic was the final, millennial stage of the classical Egyptian language, evolving after the invasion of Alexander the Great (332 BC) and subsequently supplanted by Arabic following the Muslim conquest (640 AD); see Biblio.20. Copyright 2012 Peter Kirby