There are botanical differences between the two, but one way to tell them apart is that Colocasia has leaves with the tips pointing down and most Alocasia have leaves pointing up. The larger species will fo… They do exceptionally well surrounding a pond as a bog plant, where they can get as much moisture as they want. I just received an email from one of my local nurseries about a new plant they will be carrying this year but didn't list a price, hmm. Hmmm..............not *quite* that big yet, tho. Caladium (Caladium bicolor), hardy in USDA zones 9 and 10, is also occasionally called "elephant ears." As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Their size is dependent on how much water they are given, so for smaller plants, plant them in a pot where you can adjust it as needed. Caladiums add color and beauty to all of your creative planting beds and gardens. Colocasia is also a bulb, which has been cultivated as 'taro' for centuries. Elephant Ear Bulb Myth. Colocasia esculenta 'Fontanesii' (Black Stem Elephant Ear) is a tuberous, frost-tender perennial with large, bold, heart-shaped, blue-green leaves adorned with dark green veins and a shiny black cast. Welcome to Caladiums Florida, in Lake Placid, Florida - The Caladium Capital of the World. document.write(''); This one would be way to huge for a pot. Just getting started and look forward to reading all your threads. Colocasia esculenta is a common aroid grown all over the world both as an ornamental plant and as a food source. The species is so variable it has acquired a long list of scientific names (see partial list of synonyms above). “Elephant ears” is the common name for a group of tropical perennial plants grown for their large, heart-shaped leaves. The Alocasia are simply too large for me to get inside so I plant them in a one gallon pot and plant that in a very large decorative container or sink it into the ground. The tag identified them as Alocasia, for $19.99. }, © 1972 - 2020 National Gardening Association, Times are presented in US Central Standard Time, Today's site banner is by lauriemorningglory and is called "Mountain-ash (Sorbus sp.)". $11.95. The fruits of both also differ. Philodendrons, Elephant Ears, and Other Aroids forum. Beautiful! For example, aquatilis may not be a good choice for small gardens as it produces very long above-ground runners, or stolons. Phonetic Spelling kol-oh-KAY-see-uh es-kew-LEN-tuh This plant has medium severity poison characteristics. Hi Everyone! This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google After a little internet research I found this tip: “There is one easy way to tell the difference between Alocasia and Colocasia. Other links on this site may lead to other companies that I'm associated with. Other links on this site may lead to other companies that I'm associated with. Congratulations growing them that big and keeping them going in your zone. Unlike the leaves of Alocasia which point skyward, the leaves of Colocasia droop and point toward the ground. Phone: (309) 664-7334 Monday - Friday, 8 am - 6 pm CST Saturday, 8 am - 5 pm CST Extended hours offered in the spring. We'll also explore in this post, briefly, the concept of water gardening. Colocasia vs Alocasia. Taylor I luv EE's and am so excited about your new cubit. Alocasias are primarily used for their ornamental purposes, whereas the genera Colocasia is primarily used as a carbohydrate food staple in tropical regions of the world. caladiums; calatheas; gingers; heliconias; philodendrons; eBay is not the same as a mail order nursery, and there is a great deal of difference between many sellers and the quality of their plants and service. Alocasia are a group of plants in the araceae family. var year=today.getFullYear() If it is a colocasia=bulb I dig it, clean it, let it dry then store in brown paper bags filled with saw dust of non treated wood and store in a cool dark location in the basement. They grow well in pots, which can be displayed by just burying the pot in the garden, making them super easy to pull out for the winter. Caladium . Gain access to free articles, tips, ideas, pictures and everything gardening, . Address: House of Wesley 1704 Morrissey Dr. I think I got that one last spring from Brian's botanicals. In Hawaii it's known as 'poi'. It grows in a wet soil, in partial shade. It's not winter hardy here but looks like it just may be worth digging up. Resembling the ears of an elephant, thick, prominently-veined, ruffled, green leaves are borne on rigid stalks (petioles) which jut vertically from a stout upright trunk. Every week see the 10 best gardening photos to inspire your gardening projects. Xanthosomas have a sagittate (arrow-shaped) leaf blade (there are a few exceptions to this) with a smooth, sometimes waxy upper surface and thick ribs on the lower surface, often quilted at the veins. Learn how to bring them indoors and be happy and healthy with this free e-course;  Fill in your name and email address on the form below to enroll! One of the main differences that people do not notice is … My experience with growing EE's in the Midwest is this. and caladium (Caladium spp.) They have to be allowed to dry out, and can be left in the pot, or put into a mesh bag or pantyhose to prevent mold while in storage. Colocasia Jenningsii. Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in. This is the first one for 2018. For a great description and argument about this species, check out Exotic Rainforest. Enhance sidewalks and driveways with a splash of reds, pinks, or whites. I joined my local Hosta Society and for $7 received about $200 worth materials, garden tours, speakers. Happy in containers or in small corners, where light shade and even moisture can be provided. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); if ($(window).width() > 1024) { Leaf colors from deep red to pink to mostly white allow for landscape color throughout the … In Alocasia, the berries are large and ripen to deep orange, whereas these are small and are in shades of green in Colocasia, and are also coated with slimy mucilage. The Amaryllis & Caladium Bulb Company is your source for caladium bulbs, plants & flowers. Hope you’re all well! That gives me and idea, haven't looked for other EE collectors in my area, there's gotta be some. This got me wondering about the difference between an Alocasia and a Colocasia, and I realized I had no idea. Caladium bulbs don't like to be stored in cold temperatures, so keep them at 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This issue, if you can call it that, is really the minute differences between the two plants. Because of the Colocasia, I watered that area 4-5 gallons per day when it didn't rain (most days.) That photo was taken in Asia (Thailand, I think), I doubt it would grow that big in your zone or anywhere other than 9/10. You've probably seen these plants; they have the most incredible huge leaves in all kinds of colors and patterns, growing among ferns and other shade loving plants. Gardeners in cold winter regions can preserve their of elephant ear (Alocasia spp., Colocasia spp. There are two different genera that are called Elephant Ear, and they need slightly different care. Kebingungan Antara Alocasia Vs Colocasia Vs Xanthosoma. There are lots of different varieties to choose from; white splotched, red veined, or bright pink variegation. These are absent in Colocasia. if ($(window).width() < 1025) { Caladiums will provide summer long color and Classic is producing more exciting new & vigorous caladium varieties than all other producers and research institutions combined. W e also rejuvenate existing varieties to restore the color and vigor of the originals. However, you are much more likely to see berries in Alocasia than in Colocasia. Many of these large species and hybrids have giant hastate like leaves that point upward and grow 4 to 5 feet long. Want your succulents to survive the winter? Ric, when you say 'We'.... are you a nursery or something?? lady fern 'dre's dagger' is fairly common around here. Taro - Colocasia esculenta 'Black Ripple' Taro - Colocasia esculenta 'Black Coral' Imperial Taro - Colocasia esculenta 'Illustris' Blue Taro - Xanthosoma violaceum; Black Taro - Colocasia esculenta 'Black Magic' Giant Taro - Colocasia gigantea 'Thailand Giant' Swamp Taro - Colocasia esculenta L. How to Grow Colocasia and Caladium in Water Feature Difference Between Alocasia & Colocasia. Terms of Service apply. You may end up with more elephant ears in your small space than you wanted. document.write(year)   All rights reserved. Only relatively recently has their use as ornamentals begun to be exploited. Contains: 1 Bulb. Alocasia and Colocasia are both plants of the Araceae family. See below Description. These caladium relatives include Alocasia, Colocasia. Story | Copyright, Copyright © 2009-var today=new Date() Runners. document.write(''); Sebenarnya kebingungan itu sering muncul tak hanya ketika membedakan tanaman yang termasuk dalam genus alocasia dan colocasia, terlebih dari itu, lebih tepatnya untuk tanaman yang termasuk dalam famili Araceae berdaun lebar atau yang lebih akrab dengan sebutan tanaman kuping gajah / Elephant ear seperti caladium dan … The best display will be with three tubers for each 8" pot, or five or six for a 12" pot. While a few varieties may put a root or two over the dividing lines, most Colocasia are either clumpers or runners. I will be doing more vlog style videos in future. Some of my containers I just bring in and let them go dormant. As the leaves can get quite large, they're often used as hypertufa molds for planters or fountains. Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist - I've been obsessed with plants for more than 30 years... Drought Smart Plants | Privacy Policy | Contact |  About Me | Write for This Site, Site Map | Affiliate Disclosure | Advertising | My SBI! Cut back the foliage after it dies. Water well, then put them in a bright window to sprout. That will be a post down the road after one of our projects is completed on the property. and Xanthosoma spp.) Colocasia generally have the petiole (leaf stem) connected to the leaf down a bit from the notch in the leaf. Please enter the word that you see below. Colocasia was well over 6 ft. for most leaves, Hilo had several leaves over 3 ft. Eclayne, what do you have to say about your Caladiums now that the season's over? The genus Calladium are actually a bulb, which in colder climates, because they can't stand any frost, must be dug up and brought inside for a dormant period. Caladium and Colocasia. You need to do proper checks on the seller, and read the listing carefully to be certain what you are buying. Ric, I'm into the tropicals, hosta's and ferns but I have very few ferns. Alocasia and colocasia, better known as ‘elephant ears’, belongs to the same family of Araceae. You've probably seen these plants; they have the most incredible huge leaves in all kinds of colors and … Posted 15th January 2011 by Laura Hayden. Most of these herbaceous species in the arum or aroid family (Araceae) that are offered as ornamentals belong to the genera Colocasia, Alocasia, and Xanthosoma, although there are others that have similar appearance and growth habits. And here is another of the behemoths in nice Glad I found this cubit. } Let's begin the fun lush topic of Alocasia vs. Colocasia. Clumpers vs. People talk about their bulb, or tuber, but the growth is actually a corm, which is a swollen stem. A striking beauty with its dramatic, gigantic leaves, Alocasia macrorrhiza (Giant Taro) is a rhizomatous evergreen perennial which is excellent for bringing a lush look to gardens. In areas like Florida or other places that don't get any cold, they can be left outdoors. Alocasia & Colocasia - The enormous, lush, tropical foliage of these amazing plants adds drama to any garden setting. Call 800-974-2558 today to place an order. I don't have a green house and dig up my EE's and store in the basement. Though they belong to the same family, they have many striking differences between them. Colocasia esculenta is a tropical plant grown primarily for its edible corms, a root vegetable most commonly known as taro (/ ˈ t ɑː r oʊ, ˈ t æ r oʊ /), kalo (see §Names and etymology for an extensive list), or godere.It is the most widely cultivated species of several plants in the family Araceae that are used as vegetables for their corms, leaves, and petioles. plants by lifting the bulb-like tubers when the growing season ends and storing them inside over the winter. Don't let them dry out, but don't let them sit in water either. They are borne atop striking purple-black leaf stalks. I haven’t made a video in so long! Alocasia vs Colocasia. Colocasia vs Alocasia vs Xanthosoma, Walter Reeves, National Tropical Botanic Garden. Caladiums are old-fashioned bulbs that have become more popular in recent years. Xanthosoma: leaf tips point downward. Colocasia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to southeastern Asia and the Indian subcontinent.Some species are widely cultivated and naturalized in other tropical and subtropical regions. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Privacy Policy and Plant breeders have developed varieties that can withstand much more sunshine than previous strains. Mix with achimenes and caladiums for a spectacular display!"} Because the leaves contain calcium oxalate, some gardeners are sensitive to this, so wear gloves and wash your hands after caring for the plant. Once the ground has warmed in the garden, place the pots in a hole in the bed. Use these convenient icons to share this page on various social media platforms: Only the members of the Members group may reply to this thread. They prefer a shady spot, needing similar conditions of high humidity and soil with lots of organic matter. The larger Alocasia, Odora, Macro, etc we winter quite brutally. Fill the pot with all purpose potting soil and a little additional bone meal, put the tubers with the bumps facing upwards - this is where the leaves will emerge. Aug 16, 2017 - Explore Pat Rudisill's board "Caladiums & Elephant Ears", followed by 173 people on Pinterest. There are also many ornamental types, bred for unusually shaped and textured leaves, smaller size and other attributes. Highly variable, the species can produce many leaf forms and sizes. Both species have very large leaves, and both are called elephant’s ears. Might need an ax to get it out of the ground and chopped down. Now, if I can find the correct photo, I'll post some of mine. How does it perform in zone 5 (my zone also)? Mulch well, and make sure they are watered in the heat of summer for an eyecatching tropical display. Happy New Year Taylor...What's new with you? I somehow get the feeling I will be visiting often thanks for making this cubit. See more ideas about elephant ears, caladium, plants. 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